Thursday, November 19, 2015

Passion versus the American Dream

       The American Dream-a national ethos of the United States, the set of ideals (Democracy, Rights, Liberty, Opportunity, and Equality) in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility for the family and children achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers. In other words, the American Dream = becoming as rich as possible, typically in the form of nice big fancy house, luxury foreign vehicle, designer clothing, at least two kids, and possibly a dog for good measure. This "dream" is the driving force behind all those hours worked, all that vacation time sacrificed, all that exhaustion and sometimes self degradation we endure. We constantly tell ourselves that it's worth it so long as we can be rich. Before we know it, years...decades, and full generations have passed until we come to an important realization.

          Majority of our lives have been dedicated to a concept derived from the declaration of independence. A document written by a man who proclaimed "all men to be created equal," yet owned slaves and even impregnated one against her will. We see how much time we have spent trying to be "rich as possible," and yet our souls remain unfulfilled. How can this be? How can pursuit of this almighty American Dream leave us still feeling empty inside? Is that not what being an American is all about? The answer is simple. The American Dream is really the American Scheme. A scheme to divert your focus from truly discovering your passion and true self and dedicating your life to the acquisition of currency and depreciating material items it can get you.

          It's no shock that this dream is really a scheme considering its origin. But let's examine a few things here. Look at what we do with our money. Take out loans on top of loans and get tons of credit cards all to pay for things that realistically are out of our budget. We'll go into insurmountable debt to buy a house in a fancy neighborhood just to look good to people who really don't matter. We'll jump on any auto loan offered for the car of our dreams instead of saving and waiting for a few years to pay for it outright. We will say yes to every credit card that is offered without thinking twice. The list goes on and on. And why do we do this? Because society has embraced the American Scheme that reinforces the idea that you are worthless without all these material possessions. And, let's be honest...who wants to feel worthless?

           But how much are you really worth if you had to borrow in order to get these things? Again, why do so many people still find themselves unfulfilled? Because a large portion of happiness comes for the pursuit of one's passion, not money and material items. If your search for happiness lies in money, you can never be happy because money is numbers, and numbers are infinite. It cannot lie in material things either as these things are constantly being created with the new and fresh soon becoming the old and outdated. But a passion...something that stirs your soul...something you would do for free, that's a worthy pursuit.

         How does one find their passion? Through self discovery and life experience. Dare to learn about yourself. Dare to find out the most amazing aspects of yourself. Upon learning this and more information about yourself, you will begin to discover what you are passionate about and why. Once this discovery takes place, the blinders come off. You realize pursuit of your passion is better than being able to show off a mansion, Bentley, and $500 shoes. You realize this because you went for what gave you joy and not what someone else said you should go for. And lemme tell you...this realization is one of the ultimate freedoms. Passion > The American Scheme.